Michael Benner...Radio Personality of Radio Talk Shows (mainly, telephone talk)...He started a show on KLOS-FM in 1977 which was really inspiring to me, personally...I had to call the station and be on his show to tell my sad story to the world in 1979, around April, but I lost the tape of the show, much to my grievance...I called in on two occasions, in fact...This guy is really smart and knows a whole lot about everything..He is against everything that Bush stands for and against all of Bush`s wars and just war in general..He believes in taking more personal responsibility on everything on not blaming everything on other people...Micael is five years younger than me, actually....He left KLOS-FM in 1987...But you can catch him now on KPFK-FM in Los Angeles, CA on Friday afternoons at 1:00 pm on a show called "Innervisions"..that is 90.7 on the dial, a free speech radio station...This guy is dedicated into helping people, believe me, and he really knows his stuff.....Also you can listen to Roy Tuckman on week nights, all night long, on a program called "Something`s Happening"...And you will become more informed on what is really going with the world right now and especially with the United States...And "Gary Null" is usually on there on Tuesday Nights, another guy who is dedicated into helping people....Please click on photo for larger image......
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